Michael Rupp
A Decade Of Watching Black People Die
I don't know how exactly to deal with my white friends lately. I could have the same headspace of ignorance but for a lucky random event that changed my direction towards #open-mindedness about two decades ago. They aren't exposed to the realities of people without power or money. They don't know they should be exposed to those harsh realities. They don't know because of how #society has formed and they don't know how it has been #manipulated by people with #power and #capital.

A person in my circles asked me what I thought about what's going on in the news lately. He asked because his mind is starting to open, but it bothered me that he didn't ask that question when the Koch instigated and funded armed militia groups were storming State Capital buildings because they wanted hair-cuts and bowling. I didn't resist mentioning that to him. I also had to ask him, "How many people had their necks kneeled on but didn't die?"

I'm not sure I helped guide him closer to knowing. Us #ignorant #white #middle-class people didn't decide to be ignorant, we were cultured into it by design and it self-replicates as religion does by believing lies that make us reject conflicting evidence. "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit." "Yeah, that's a bad neighborhood. Those people don't know how to act civilized." Understanding is shut off. Complex things and environments are reduced to binary "facts". It's an illusion to think any person is different from another person in a meaningful way. Our actions are different because our culture is different, and we all think we are acting the right way, until the day we discover we are wrong and begin to act differently.

Give a sigh and assume the ignorant were victims of a cult when you try to enlighten them with harsh realities.

#InstitutionalRacism #Racism #Riots #Protests #UnitedStates #PoliceBrutality

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