Michael Rupp
What's stopping euthanasia laws?
So as to not get prejudged, I don't advocate #Suicide as a solution to a hard life, I advocate society to support its struggling members to live a meaningful happy life. Sometimes I can understand why a person checks-out though. When people are medically circling the drain, I can certainly advocate for a person deciding to end the suffering. I'm nuanced on the topic. However...

Theirs a lot of #Religious vs. #Secular arguments around #Euthanasia, but I'd like to offer an #Economic perspective. I have a natural distrust when something is clearly an intractable argument, that instances of the predicament have to be judged on a one at a time basis, but it gets #Religious people trying to front run it as if they have the answers. In the workings of my mind, these righteously indignant "do-gooders" are giving cover to #Nefarious people in power who want the same result as the religious #Zealots do but for an entirely unethical and often horrific reason.

If people are allowed to decide when they don't want to play the miserable existence game anymore, they are a type of slave to the social industrial complex which wants live bodies for economic gain. If your will to live forces you to work for food, they win and you have no power. If you can't work, they will make you live and bill your next of kin for the extension of your life that you don't want.

It always puzzles me why more people of #Faith aren't in a hurry to die; It's supposed to be wonderful after you die compared to this—at times or in places— Hell-Hole. So the church—to keep people from checking out of the serfdom life—made a decree that #Suicide sends you to #Hell. It must have been suicidal to go to war back then with the death count, but nooooooo, those early deaths were Martyrs for Jesus, so off to #Heaven for you lot.

So to me, politicians want disenfranchised people stuck in shit jobs to line the golden chalices of the wealthy people who bribe them, and the churches give politicians cover to fool the masses into going along with it. Listen to this latest #Podcast by #Austrailias #TheSignal on the topic and ask yourself if you think the real reason politicians are agreeing with the church (which molests children) because of sound moral thinking from religious texts, or nefarious economic reasons.

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