Asiful Alam
JSC Exam Result 2019
Education Board Results has declared that the JSC Exam Result 2019 publish date. According to the news, JSC Result 2019 is going to be published on 31st December 2019. So want to get JSC Result with Marksheet?

Education Board Results has declared that the JSC Exam Result 2019 publish date. According to the news, JSC Result 2019 is going to be published on 31st December 2019. So want to get JSC Result with Marksheet?

Link: JSC Result | JDC Result
Asiful Alam
PSC Exam Result 2019
Primary Result has declared that the PSC Exam Result 2019 publish date. According to the news, PSC Result 2019 is going to be published on 31st December 2019. So want to get PSC Result with Marksheet?

Link: PSC Result | Ebtedayee Result | EBT Result
Michael Rupp
My life got too busy for social media! Partly because of social media!
Michael Rupp to Atheists in the open via Wall-To-Wall:
commanded to love | performing false emotions for tyrants
TheraminTrees has just put together another masterpiece. Aunt Julia is an awesome moment about 12 minutes in.
Spoiler Alert:
Click to open/closeCards to Aunt Julia that the child never met are a metaphor of Prayers to God.

This episode deals with #Narcissism and I wrongly assumed he was going to talk about #Trump. He didn't go there. I was pleasantly surprised to find out he was "giving away the game" that #Narcissists play on the rest of us and how to block and/or avoid those #psychological bad-trips.

#Religion #Atheism #Mindgames
!Atheists in the open
Michael Rupp
Sorry for crashing my server these last bunch of days. I'm a PHP rookie, and I know enough to be dangerous.
Michael Rupp
Fucking Ring Doorbells
So, the Mozilla Foundation has a thing where they review the ethical quality of a good or service, "*privacy not included", and the #Amazon #Ring #Doorbell made their #ShitList. Apparently people are paying between $100 & $500 USD to have their homes "protected" by the Police through Amazon's #SurveillanceCapitalism AI.

I believe the main thing they don't know they are doing is that they are giving hackers easy access to clandestinely "case my house" to find out when it would be best to come in and rob me. Their doorbells are pointing at my house, not theirs. Their doorbells may never see their own movements, but they will broadcast everybody else's. It makes me wonder if there's a way to walk past and, with a specialized electronic device, cause them to be #Bricked. I think whacking them with a hammer might be illegal, and don't think it would survive a Supreme Court challenge.

That last paragraph sounds far-fetched unless you read the Mozilla write-up (linked below) on this flawed product. Recall, Amazon doesn't make surveillance products to benefit you, they make them to benefit Amazon.

And don't expect the Cops who are keeping all the footage to not post a viral video of you stumbling up the front steps spilling two armloads of groceries onto the porch. They can and will do that. Think I'm wrong? How about the show Cops, or Live PD. Think those shows are real? Try listening to the Running From Cops #Podcast and see how maliciously manufactured they are.

And just :facepalm royally with this one:
Ring states that it does not use facial recognition technology. However, it has hired a "head of facial recognition research" at Ring Ukraine, so it may have plans to in the future.
Fucking Ring Doorbells
I'd rather not.
Michael Rupp
I guess that is the correct answer on more than one reading of the quoted text.
Michael Rupp
Hey @dansup® I saw that #UBports mobile operating system has a #Pixelfed account. 😀
Michael Rupp to Atheists in the open via Wall-To-Wall:
!Atheists in the open Not sure why, but this forum isn't listed anymore on the public directory.
Michael Rupp
Bricked a Nexus 7 Gen II LTE, (help)
I might be shouting into the void here, but...

I tried to put #KDE #Plasma #Mobile on my old #Nexus7 a few days or more ago. It didn't go well and I posted to their GitHub about it.

Two days ago I tried putting #UBports onto it. It appears that the way I was able to run fastboot format cache and fastboot format userdata on a #Windows10 machine but not on a #Ubuntu18 #Workstation seems to have made that device impervious to the UBports super easy installer.

It worked great on my old #Nexus5 so I'm at a loss as to how I can proceed. Maybe the 7 is damaged internally? I tried the #UBportsInstaller with and without the wipe checkbox checked, as well as with and without the paths to the adb & fastboot executables.

#Help me #FOSS #Mobile #Developers you're my only hope.
Michael Rupp
That may do the trick. I'll get a chance to try on Wednesday.
Michael Rupp
Turns out the links to the software on that page are dead and gone.
Michael Rupp
BREAKING: Keystone XL Spills 400,000 Gallons Of Oil
So that happened, #OilSpill where the #BigOil said it wouldn't happen.

#KeystoneXL #Environment
Emmanuel Florac reshared this.
Michael Rupp
Librem5 teardown with Purism CEO Todd Weaver!
This #Librem5 is something I'm waiting for, patiently. If you've ever tried to maintain your own device, like swapping out a broken screen or replacing an old battery, you will really enjoy seeing this disassembly and reassembly of a new phone.

Sometimes the server with this video is overloaded so try it later if it doesn't work at first.
Michael Rupp
Stressed women are more likely to give birth to a girl, study finds
If you're looking for a #Upbeat #Happy #News #Story to talk about at the water cooler, this #Interesting #Podcast might just do the trick.

They have #Statistics to show the #Correlation, they have #Hypothesis to connect plausible & likely functional relationships between the cause and the effect. As a parent, I've heard a lot of things over the years claiming to adjust the likelihood of a child's gender through food or other silliness, but this is the first one I heard that made sense. I could be wrong, but it seems that—for example—if prospective #dads want #sons they should go to great lengths to not be an #Asshole and to woo their partner. If #parents want #daughters, they will have to try to walk that dangerous tightrope of #stress that could lead to failed attempts to #conceive.

If you want to get right to the audio highlight,
slide the cue handle to about 21:34.

Below is a link to the detailed article.

#Stressed #Women #Births #Babies #Boys #Girls
Michael Rupp
Hey, @Lisa Stranger I think you might like this podcaster. Well, I'd toss a coin to guess if you'd like this particular episode. She throws up things she knows to call bullshit on the current case being used for impeachment, and doesn't have a nice thing to say about anybody in politics at the moment.
The creator, Jen Briney, is a really good person and as far as I can tell is unbiased. Typically, the show is mostly her reading congressional bills and then reporting on what they mean to the general population.
Michael Rupp
double binds | narcissistic ‘no-win’ mind games
This is a gem for the @Atheists in the open #forum. It's hard to notice how frequently you are caught in these traps until you hear him map out some examples.

TheraminTrees is a wonderful contributor.

Michael Rupp
Screaming Into The Void: How Outrage Is Hijacking Our Culture, And Our Minds
[He said knowingly with a smug sense of #Outrage and #Righteous #Indignation.] The gist of this episode is that we have #Evolutionary reward systems to be outraged at a person's reprehensible actions, but that sub-system was developed with small groupings of humanoids in face-to-face interactions, not #Electronic #SocialMedia.

There are lots of things to say about this episode of the #HiddenBrain #Podcast, and I'll start with my own personal worry that I'm part of the problem. I feel like I'm posting important content that is worth people's time to think about and I'm convinced that it will lead to a better world, but...

I also have this #Hypothesis that EVERYBODY thinks they are doing the right thing for the right reasons at all times. If I scrutinize the state of affairs at the times in my past when I made regrettable mistakes, I could see how I was mistakenly doing wrong while thinking I was the hero doing the right thing, AND making the world a better or safer place! If I give a #Deplorable person's actions a charitable review, I can see how they are misguided and thought they were doing the right thing and were making the world a better place despite doing the opposite with their actions.

It seems like open-minded #Discourse with people who are #Disagreeable to your position (as opposed to you personally), is a great way to find out when your favorite idea isn't built on solid ground.

If you think you are an #Influencer somewhere on the #SurveillanceCapitalism #SocialMedia or on a #Federated system, I urge you to listen to this short and powerful podcast and reflect on yourself with unbiased scrutiny to see if you are part of the problem or part of the solution.
HernanLG reshared this.
Michael Rupp
Thanks, @Darius Kazemi for the cool thinking here. The linked article below goes to his idea of the Federated #Neighborhood that he added to a fork of #Mastodon. I hope all the #Developers of #ActivityPub or Federated #SocialNetworks see his idea. I think it's a built-in feature of all #Nextcloud instances.
Titan Thinktank
you mean mobiles will function as servers too, like bittorrent ?
Michael Rupp
Trump, the Ex-Lobbyist and 'Chemically Castrated' Frogs
This is an amazingly addictive #Podcast to listen to which tracks #Trump's past and current transgressions and documents them as #Journalists. This episode reveals how hard the Trump #WhiteHouse tries to protect their dirty dealings with people in the circle of #Government. This is the classic case of "what if some terrible person gets control of that super-weapon?"

In the episode (and on it's linked page below), they highlight another group of people doing work to document the criminal activity in the #USA's federal government. See the Trump Town to find out who is robbing the #Taxpayers now, or how you can help with the #Investigation...
Do you know something about a political appointee or about the work they’re doing? Send us an email at [email protected] or send a Signal message to 347-244-2134.

Michael Rupp
Hey, @know WOW what a worm-hole the YaCy thing is!
i recommend keeping your instance's results isolated from the rest.
and also stick to one subject.
Michael Rupp
'When is this going to end?': Indonesians shrouded in toxic haze
This appears to me, to be what we can expect if #Libertarians get what they want (and I think #Libertarianism is #Anarchism with a coat of paint). A world operating under #Unregulated #Capitalism is a #Hellscape. Upwind "farmers" don't give no fucks about the lungs of the downwind #Ecosystem because of #Profits high and Costs low.
Michael Rupp
Hey @[email protected] dude, I'm at Stark & Wayne. Saw your contact on the screen.
Oliver Kennedy
Hey! Sorry I couldn't make it today!
Michael Rupp
Pseudoscience Psucks
Damn, Katie Goldin! You #Powned that fargin' #Jordan #Peterson character. #Lipstick is not a #Woman's way of saying, "have sex with me now!" #Shitposters, #Incels, #WhiteSupremacist's and many other wanna-be #AlphaMales think #JordanPeterson is an irrefutable #God of #Knowledge. Neither #Patriarchy or #Matriarchy is a valid solution for a social system. Get over yourself and just try being a tiny part of a bigger more inclusive system.
The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse

Dead Poets Society, 1989
Michael Rupp
Socialhome (a better Pintrest?)
Due to Internet wander and loss of personal control over focus, I bumped into something I thought should get posted on the @Forum|G Plus Minus forum. (aside: Just a couple weeks ago I found out the difference between the @ the ! and posting directly on a Forum page.)

That thing I found is the Federated Socialhome system. As I was looking at a few of their instances I noticed how it had a g+ look and feel to it. It's also got a bit of a #Pintrest way about it too. It's a tiles approach to visually organizing posted content. It's described as a solution to a personal home page with the benefits of federation features. Sites have streams for public and private, and it appears that a given user has a Pinned Content view as well as an All Content view. As of now their's only these four instances:
Michael Rupp
Protecting Privacy with MATH (Collab with the Census)
This is a really good video about #Privacy and Reverse Engineering #Anonymous data into revealing information. The @minutephysics host lays out some good ways to #Anonymize data. I have been personally lying about birthdays and age since decades ago. That's the main way he covers in the video.
Michael Rupp
He just did a follow-up video on the flip side of data #Privacy. It's a bit counterintuitive and I learned a tiny thing I didn't think about before.

Michael Rupp

Trump fired us 'so they wouldn’t catch him,' his undocumented workers tell Samantha Bee

“Donald Trump and the Trump Organization,” immigration attorney David Leopold told Bee, “are running and engaging in a multi-state criminal conspiracy. You’re talking about forced labor and coercion, you’re talking about trafficking. The penalties for those types of crimes, you’re talking 20 years in prison. By the way, the Trump Organization is not this vast organization. We’re talking about Donald Trump, we’re talking about Ivanka, we’re talking about Eric.”

Michael Rupp
Interesting @locutor59
Michael Rupp
Liberté, Égalité and French Fries
Damn, this #Podcast changed my opinion of #McDonalds
Typically I'm against monopolistic, centralized authority, and concentrated power as an ethical imperative. This side of the #American #Burger invasion on the world was something I would have never guessed. I'm tempted to have a #European trip adjusted so that it makes a stop there in #Marseille, #France as a central point of the trip. The whole show made this neighborhood attractive to me.
Michael Rupp
I'm not a real event
Starts:  Thursday September 12, 2019 @ 6:30 PM
Finishes:  Thursday September 12, 2019 @ 7:00 PM
This is a sample event posted for no reason.
Location:  Buffalo, NY, USA
Michael Rupp attends.
Michael Rupp
Merriam-Webster's twitter account throws shade at US POTUS
This tweet is pretty funny. It's following #Trump's #Sharpie-gate. #FunFact altering #NOAA weather information is a federal crime.

The link to the tweet is M-W restoring #funny & archaic words to identify people in unflattering ways. #Mumpsimus was highlighted in the tweet (and it prompted #Trumpsimus), but that tweet links to a great list of fun words.
Michael Rupp
@QTRose On the random, I saw your mastodon server and was impressed by the CSS and UI tweaks.
Michael Rupp
Bret "bedbugs" Stephens is making the news...
Okay, I fully understand #Twitter is an antithesis to #Federated social networks, but this is special.

This morning I did not know who Bret Stephens (NYT) was. I knew of his work as caustic but didn't even attach a name to it before and barely remembered the #Newspaper it was published through.

Yesterday he got some "comeuppance" and it was delightful. I lost an hour this morning just hitting the heart button ❤️ on replies to his initial tweet attached below.

#BretBug, a #FreeSpeech #Troll apparently tries to chill the free speech of people who don't hold him in high regard. He was fine with his claim that Christine Blasey Ford made up the #SexualAssault that Brett Kavanaugh perpetrated during the public trial which encouraged death threats against her, but when somebody in defacto privacy calls him a name, he's on it like stink on shit.

Since last night "BretBug" has deleted his Twitter account. Because of that, many of the reshared tweets demonstrating his hypocrisy are "Tweet Unavailable". If you read the threads long enough, you'll find screen captures posted which clarify the missing content.

As of now, he's starting to be reported on by the regular news but not in a way that he wants to:
Bret Stephens Freaks Out After Being Called A 'Bedbug' On Twitter
Michael Rupp
Mr. Deity Episode 1: Mr. Deity and the Evil
Well, this is a fun #Atheist #Entertainment channel I didn't know about till this morning.

misterdeity YouTUBE channel

Mr. Deity Episode 1: Mr. Deity and the Evil

@Atheists in the open
Michael Rupp

Arctic News: The changing face of planet Earth

The inhabitants of planet Earth are in the process of destroying the habitability of their world through the perpetration of the largest mass extinction of species since 66 million years ago, when a large asteroid impacted Earth, and 55 million years since the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) reaching 5–8°C. The late Holocene-Anthropocene climate change represents an unprecedented event, triggering a fast shift in climate zones and a series of extreme weather events, with consequences for much of nature and civilization. The changes are manifest where green forests are blackened by fire, droughts are turning grassy planes to brown semi-deserts, brilliant white snow and ice caps are melting into pale blue water and clear blue skies turn grey due to aerosols and jet contrails, most particularly in the northern hemisphere. Unless effective efforts are undertaken at CO₂ drawdown, the consequence would include demise of much of nature and a collapse of human civilization.
#politics #news #environment #climate #climatechange #globalwarming #sustainability #nature #savetheplanet #climatechangeisreal #climateaction #earth #fridaysforfuture #zerowaste #ecofriendly #gogreen #pollution #green #plasticfree #sustainable #climatecrisis
Michael Rupp
My Platonic Romance On The Psych Ward
If you've never heard a #ModernLove #Podcast before, their #wierd, #funny, #endearing, and #aspirational. A famous person reads the story of the subjects, then later the host of the show does a tiny interview with the subject(s) of the story. This one I found exceptional. It wanders through #MentalHealth, happenstance and true enduring #love for a couple who were really in need of it. They met in a #PsychWard!!!
Michael Rupp
Hell's Angel (Mother Teresa) - Christopher Hitchens (The Truth about Mother Teresa)
While transferring my #Bookmarks out of #Google #Chrome and into my #Nextcloud #Server I found this gem to post on @Atheists in the open

Christopher #Hitchens calls the famed #Caholic #Nun, Mother Teresa, #Hell's #Angel.
Michael Rupp
@Adam Magness Just tried to send you a friend request. Something acted wonkily. No big deal if you don't get it.
Michael Rupp
A systemic societal mistake prevalent in America
I'm not sure this is true throughout the world or just in pockets of society, but I know it's widespread. Here's the gist; #Girl does something nice to #Boy, boy falls madly in love with girl, girl finds it objectively #Creepy, girl treats boy badly, boy is very confused.

I assume that the source of the problem is the affectionless treatment of boys by relatives and guardians. It doesn't have to be abuse, but the #Spartan attitude of #Toughness in much of our society causes one important part of the child's life to be so empty that when a drop hits the bottom of that empty vessel it electrifies a need to get more that is overwhelming to people unprepared to fill that need.

It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive that a child learns toughness or receives ample #Affection in their life. They can easily get both. Children raised with the old, "don't coddle your child it will weaken them," delusion are raising children who won't fit into social settings well.

I wonder if the average #Utah #Mormon is immune to this problem because they are notoriously nice to each other within their familial group and #Religion.

#Love #Kindness #Relationships #Society #Outcast
I wonder if the average #Utah #Mormon is immune to this problem because they are notoriously nice to each other within their familial group and #Religion.
well, this Mormon thinks it's at least possible that this is the case, but, I think in reality, Mormons are only slightly less immune to societal misnomers than other groups.

But overall, it's definitely something to think about - how we treat boys. thanks.
Michael Rupp
U.S. Steals Tons Of Food From Venezuela
#WTF? This is an Act of #War. To block food from a country like #Venezuela because they won't let #America's #BigOil industry exploit their natural resources is not just an act of war, it's a #WarCrime.
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