Michael Rupp
If you see something, say something. (Official USA Anti-Terrorism Policy)...
{aside} So, I discovered that #Letterkenny is a great show this holiday season...

... In other news, I noticed after taking a deeper dive into a #RevealNews #Podcast that I see a pattern, so I'm saying something. A partisan news company tells a bunch of incendiary lies about one group in order to marginalize another group, and it ends with a lot of Black people dying.

The linked page for #Reveal is referring to the only successful American Coup d’Etat which happened in Wilmington, NC and just happened to include a massacre of black citizens. It's the same playbook as the recent Trump-led coup. While I was researching that one I was led to another; The Opelousas, LA Massacre & War On Reconstruction.

You can't swing a cat by its tail in American history without hitting a White Supremacist genocide.

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